Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Here's to you Jello.

Sugar Free Jello you are oh so tricky.
At the end of the day, when I'm craving ice cream (with yummy things like Oreos or Reeses mixed in) you satisfy my sweet tooth without filling me with a whole bunch of sugary calories.
but not without Lite Cool Whip on top. 

It doesn't beat ice cream, but it's good enough to make me feel like I'm not even on a diet. 


  1. Oh man, I LOVE jello. Love it. Not the sugar free kind, the sugar FILLED kind, but... both of them put me on my death bed. I may or may not have just licked the screen.

  2. Haha!! This is too funny! Right before I took a peek at this post, I was just staring down some Lucky Charms in my kitchen! I swear I need to go to bed at 8 when Sophie does so I don't sit and think about snacking!

  3. Well, the chocolate cake in your header doesn't help me not want something not diety!! =)

  4. Me too!! I use to always eat this or the SF choc pudding! If you mix the SF choc pudding and lite cool whip together it taste like choc cream pie!
