Friday, November 30, 2012

Selah 3 Months

On the 27th this little pretty made 3 months. No lie 3 months already. Oh that Selah girl. She knows how I feel about precious so she's really good at being just that pretty much all of the time.
I have no idea how much she weighs or how tall she is because I triple booked us on the day of her wellness visit, and I never rescheduled. I should do that.
I do know she's got some squishy thighs that I love to squeeze and bite though, so I'm thinking she's good on size.
She loves looking at people, and is such a sweet smiley baby. She's super ticklish on her ribs and belly and right below the left ear in the exact spot where her neck creases. She'll give you a good ole LOL for that spot.
Her most favorite past time is nursing, which she does so well. Her least favorite past time is sleeping through the night... which she did once from 10-4:15 and never again. 
One day my girl. 
Please make that soon. 

We are busy people in a busy world, but when I'm in that rocking chair holding this precious, precious child the peace and joy that fills up my heart makes me so grateful to be her mother.

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